Prof. em. Dr. Heinz Blatter

Prof. em. Dr.  Heinz Blatter

Prof. em. Dr. Heinz Blatter

Retired Adjunct Professor at the Department of Environmental Systems Science

Additional information

Heinz Blatter has been given the title of Professor at ETH Zurich in Mai1999. since 1980, he has been working as a research assistant and lecturer at the Institute of Geography.

Heinz Blatter was born on October 14, 1946 in Zofingen, Switzerland. He completed his studies with a diploma thesis on "Spin correlation in Fermions" at the Department of Physics, ETH, Zurich. The work for his doctoral thesis on the thermodynamics of polar glaciers included field work in 1974/75 in the Canadian high arctic. He spent a one years leave in 1993/94 at the Department of Geophysics and Astronomy of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Since 1990, he is leading a research group on cryospheric modelling at ETH Zurich. His current research interests are the numerical modelling of the dynamics of Alpine glaciers. Since 1998, he is also working on the numerical modelling of sea ice dynamics with focus on the coupling of the sea ice model into a global atmospheric-ocean climate model.

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